Professional cleaning, services
- Cleaning contractors
- Municipalities, government offices
- Distributors, dealers, suppliers, retailers and wholesalers
- Sport, business-centers
- Banks, Insurance companies
- Underground parking
Dry-cleaning, washing
- Hotels laundry departments
- Dry-cleaners, laundries
- Industrial laundries, laundry factories
- Self-service laundries
- Laundries at nuclear power plants
- Public services centres
- Hotels
- Mini-hotels, guest houses
- Sanatoriums, pensions
- Resorts, holiday houses
- Restaurants, Cafes
- Canteens, catering companies
Facility Management
- Private property management
- Adjacent territories
- Commercial properties
- Housing and communal services
- Logistic terminals
Food industry
- Food production plants
- Meat and dairy factories
- Beverage production
- Confectioneries
- Medical centres
- Hospitals
- Health resorts
- Clinical dispensaries
- Treatment institutions
- Polyclinics
Auto-service, Transport
- Car wash, auto salons
- Technical and repair centres
- Airports, railway stations, sea and river ports
- Public transport, auto parks
- Flight and train terminals
- Industrial premises
- Warehouses
- Construction companies